spring/summer 2023:
Literary reading at Textival x Malmötxt festival “Fauna”, Tomelilla Kulturhus, Skåne, 15 April 2023. Alongside writers Khashayar Naderehvandi, Anna Lundvik and Julia Gabrielsson. Click here for the link.
Featured workshop in Kulturkatalogen Väst, organised by Förvaltningen för Kulturutveckling, Västra Götaland Region, Film och Scenkonst. In collaboration with filmmaker, Vangelis Kollias. A workshop designed for schools in the Gothenburg region entitled “Migration, Memory and Language”, an exploration of these themes through the practice of creative writing and filmmaking. Click here for the link.
autumn/winter 2022:
Preparations for Böcker & Brygg, organised by Textival. A partnership between writer’s collective, Qalam, and Kvinnofolkhögskolan’s “Your Silence Will Not Protect You”, 4 December 2022.
Designing a workshop for Kulturkatalogen Väst, organised by Förvaltningen för Kulturutveckling, Västra Götaland Region, Film och Scenkonst. In collaboration with filmmaker, Vangelis Kollias. Work-in-progress. Preliminary date for the workshop: end of November 2022.
Author of a literary text for ARtCITY, an Augmented Reality art project produced by Curious Brown, in collaboration with Gothenburg Film Studios and Rapid Images. Funding in progress, October 2022.
Literary reading at Meira Ahmemulic’s exhibition opening “Utsträckt tunga”, Blå Stället, Angered, Gothenburg, 17 September 2022. Alongside poets Sara Garib and Ritta Haider. Click here for the link to the event.
spring/summer 2022:
Textival Litteraturfestival, 12 June 2022: Invited guest alongside members of writer’s collective, Qalam. Screen presentation with audio landscape. Click here for the full programme.
Conference panelist at the conference for Network for Nordic Culture Journals, 25 May 2022. Panel speaker representing writer’s collective Qalam, alongside Ann Ighe from Ord&Bild. “Case studies / Best practises: Three nordic journals which are working within the field of representation and diversity will present their work.” Click here for the link to the conference.
Author of a short story commissioned by Gothenburg Konsthall. Original prose and audio file in conjunction with Nina Bondeson’s exhibition that visitors can access onsite. Collaboration between Gothenburg Konsthall and writer’s collective, Qalam. Live reading on 20 May 2022. Click here for my text in full, published on Konsthallen’s website.
Co-curator of AUGMENTING THE CITY, Open Call: Nyskapande tillfällig konst, March 2022. Organised by Statens Konstråd Sweden. One of five finalists. Co-curator with Ismaila Jallow from writer’s collective Qalam, in partnership with Gothenburg Film Studios. Click here for the link at Statens Konstråd.
summer/autumn 2021:
Invited writer at P U B POESI NIO, a literary reading, organised by P U B POESI, Gothenburg, 28 October 2021. Click here for the link to the event.
Participating artist and co-organiser of “Stories that cannot be told but need to be told”, an annual public programme on 9th October marking Remembrance Day of the abolition of slave trade and slavery on Saint Barthélemy, a Swedish colony between 1784 – 1878. Organised by Göteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art (GIBCA), Västsverige mot racism (West Sweden against racism), Qalam (literary platform and writer’s collective for unheard voices and untold stories) and Stadsbiblioteket (Gothenburg City Library), 9 October 2021. Click here for the event page.
Author of a short story diptych written in English and Swedish, commissioned by Region Halland, Art Inside Out. Theme: Critical tourism. Click here to read the Left Panel of the Diptych (written in Swedish) and the Right Panel (in English).
Participating artist in “The Infinity Walk”, group presentation as part of the “Mixed Minds” artist residency. Organised by Kultur i Väst, Region Halland, and Kulturrådet. Satellite programme of Urban Garden Day at Kungsbacka, June 2021. More details here.
spring 2021:
Sound art and prose commissioned by Borås Art Biennial. Original prose and soundscape as a dialogue between sculpture, sound and text that Biennial visitors can access via QR-code onsite. Collaboration between Borås Konstmuseum and writer’s collective, Qalam. Launched in May 2021.
Click here for “Colour Dream Hagus”.
Click here for “Dong Bong Gong”.
Click here for the group presentation.
winter 2020 – summer 2021:
Artist in residence: Mixed Minds, Art Inside Out, Region Halland X VGR, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Read more here.
spring 2021:
Manuscript submission: Conclusion of a six-year working process culminating in the submission of my manuscript to the Swedish book publishing companies. Read my statement here.
spring 2021:
My piece of original short fiction, “Thick Therapy” has been published in this issue. Read more here.
Reviewed by Eurozine (click here to read the review).

2020 – ongoing:
Writer: Member of Qalam, a writer’s collective, based in Gothenburg. Active members include: Sabrin Jaja, Sandy Ceesay, Johannes Anyuru, Sanna Ghotbi, Masoud Vatankh, Ismaila Jallow, Stephanie Toro.
edited for the launch of our first collaborative project with Swedish literary magazine, Ord&Bild.)
Links to Qalam’s Instagram page here, and Facebook page here.
autumn 2020:
Panelist: Gothenburg Book Fair, Gothenburg, Sweden, autumn 2020. Panel discussion featuring Masoud Vatankh, Maxine Victor, Johannes Anyuru, Sanna Ghotbi, Sabrin Jaja. Conversation about the writer’s collective, Qalam. Read more here.
Concert Producer: “Ett hus som heter världen”, GAO (Gothenburg’s Alternative Orchestra), Stora Teatern, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2016.
Festival & concert producer: Clandestino Festival, 14th iteration, Bottna & Gothenburg, Sweden.
Read more here.
Invited participant: GIBCA House of Words, Postcolony, Gothenburg, Sweden (hosted by Loulou Cherinet in her process-based artwork with architect Santiago Cirugeda, under the curatorship of Elvira Dyangani Ose).
Read more here.
Radio interviewee: Mediacorp radio, Singapore, 2010.
Public lecture: Singapore Young Contemporary Artists (SCYA), Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore, 2010.
Artist presentation: Rojak 13, FARM, National Museum of Singapore, 2009.
Essayist: commissioned by Lasalle College of the Arts and the Substation for coverage of the Singapore Biennale, Singapore, 2007-2008.